Dear Reader:
Nearly fifty articles were posted to this blog between May 6 and July 26 of 2008. I stopped posting because it took a lot of time and there was no indication anyone was reading what I’d written.
Here is a list of all my 2008 posts, organized in a more-or-less logical order by subject.
My Autobiography
June 23 - My 64th Birthday - An Autobiographical Sketch
May 9 - No Games, Just Sports
May 14 - Dürer: Self-Expression and Depression
Mother’s Day
May 9 - Mothers to Emulate - Mary Fielding and Emma Smith - or maybe not...
Father’s Day
June 15 - Father's Day: The Names of God - Introduction
June 15 - Father's Day: The Names of God - Abba to Zur
Memorial Day
May 26 - Musings on Memorial Day
The Family
July 12 - Families: Defending Traditional Marriage I
July 16 - Families: Defending Traditional Marriage II
July 24 - The Proclamation on the Family and David Bednar’s challenge.
Religion and the Scriptures
May 19 - The Ages of the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
July 4 - The Bible - Inspired and Imperfect
Poetry and Parallelism in the Scriptures
June 6 - My Poetry - or - from the Sublime to the Ridiculous
June 8 - English Poetry and the Poetry of the Scriptures
June 9 - Chiasmus I - Noah, the Flood, and Hebrew Poetry
June 12 - Chiasmus II - Parallelism in the Old Testament
June 16 - Chiasmus III: Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
June 22 - Chiasmus IV: Six Book of Mormon Stories from 1 Nephi
June 22 - Chiasmus IV: Nephi’s Outline One
June 24 - Chiasmus V: Nephi’s Outline Two
June 29 - Chiasmus VI: Mosiah, Alma, Helaman, and Mormon
June 29 - Chiasmus VI Revisited: Alma 13 in greater detail
July 2 - Chiasmus VII: Some Modern Examples
Columbus and the Flat Earth
May 21 - Columbus and the Flat Earth I
May 22 - Columbus and the Flat Earth II
Art and non-Art
May 24 - The Emperor’s New Clothes
July 8 - Public Schools: Salina Kansas eighth-grade final exam
July 9 - Public Schools: Salina Kansas revisited
July 22 - Public Schools: And You Think You Have Problems
July 6 - Hollywood’s Three Big Lies
July 10 - Trash TV: We Can Clean the Screen
July 16 - One Hundred and One Reasons Not to Watch TV - April 1992
July 26 - Television 1996: That Vast Wasteland!
Creation and Evolution
May 28 - Darwinism: There Are No Limits and I Can Do Anything I Want
May 30 - Darwinism: People before Adam and Eve?
June 5 - Darwinism: Cultural Continuity and the Universal Flood
Mass Extinctions and Global Warming
June 14 - Mass Extinctions
June 2 - The Carolina Bays and the Younger Dryas impact event - I
June 3 - The Carolina Bays and the Younger Dryas impact event - II
June 4 - The Carolina Bays and the Younger Dryas impact event - III
June 18 - Motion: Global Warming Is NOT a Crisis!
July 20 - Motion: Global Warming is Not a Crisis II
Urban Legends
June 26 - Urban Legends and The Thermodynamics of Hell
June 28 - A Great Cookie Recipe from Nieman-Marcus
Miscellaneous Mutterings and Musings
May 15 - The Horrors of an Unread Blog
June 20 - Oxymoron: Artificial Intelligence
June 30 - Relativity in Words of Four Letters or Less
March 17, 2018 – I converted all the links to HTTPS. I reworked the HTML to eliminate unnecessary white space. I rewrote the first few paragraphs.